Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Pet Peeves.

In no particular order:

1.    Mimicking. I have a younger sister, who is eleven years old. Whenever she gets annoyed with me, or is in the mood to drive me insane, she transforms her voice into a high pitched annoyance of a sound, and will mimic every single word I say. And it drives me insane. Please Madeline, I would like to be able to have a conversation without hearing an echo that makes my ears bleed. Be mature, talk like an eleven year old, and leave me alone.

2.    Replace the roll. We all go to the bathroom, and if you don’t, I advise that you see a doctor about that because that’s unnatural. But when you go to the bathroom, you need to use toilet paper. One of my pet peeves is when someone goes to the bathroom, uses up all of the toilet paper, and then doesn’t replace the empty roll. My younger siblings do it all the time, but then the next person to use the bathroom either a.) has to replace the roll themselves, making their wait to use the bathroom longer, or b.) gets stuck in the bathroom without any toilet paper, but I’d rather we not discuss what you do in that situation.

3.    Morgana. I’m actually cringing as I read the name. I hate hate hate hate when people add an ‘a’ to the end of my name and call me Morgana. Someone first called me that in second grade, and I’ve hated it ever since the first time that extra syllable escaped someone’s mouth. It reminds me of some evil witch in a movie, and the name makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry. Please, I beg you, never call me that.

4.    People who judge something you enjoy. By this, I mean, music, television, anything that makes you happy. Everyone has different tastes and interests, so most likely your music taste or favorite sport will be different from somebody else. Who cares? Enjoy what you like, and don’t let anyone make you feel bad about something that makes you happy.

5.    Captain Obvious. Another one of my pet peeves is when people make stupid and obvious comments, that essentially don’t further the conversation, and aren't really helpful in anyway. For instance, saying the sky is blue when talking about something completely un-sky related is in no way helping a conversation move forward. It also is common knowledge, so is there an actual point to your comment?

6.    “You look just like your sister!” No, I don’t. Yes, I have a sister, and yes, she could be my twin, but I do not look like her. She looks like me. I was born first, therefore she looks like me. I have no clue why, but it drives me up a wall when people tell me I look like her. I came first bud, she looks like me.


  1. Hi Morgana, you do look like your sister! Change your back ground though(----:::::::::

  2. Your pet peeves were on point Morgana!

  3. the last one i can definitely agree with cause i have a younger sister in the middle school and everyone says we look alike

  4. Your forth pet peeve is actually one of mine that I didn't even mention. That has to be the worst, don't judge me on things that I enjoy and like...it's just wrong.

  5. Hi Morgana loved the pet peeves!
