Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Semi-Structured Interveiw

I interviewed Brian Holmes, born and learned some interesting things about his life, his interests, and his personality. Brian Holmes was born in Boston on "October 23, 1998, at 12:08 am." He has a twin sister but they "have different birthdays due to the time of birth." He also has a dog, which he describes as "very old," being 14 years of age (in people years). When he was younger, Brian was "afraid of the dark," but got over his fear when he "matured, and became a heavier, less frightened sleeper." Brian also has a fear of heights. "My friends force me on roller coasters all the time," exclaims Brian in our interview, "but I don't like them, or anything that goes up high" When asked the question about what he would do with only one month left to live, Brian stated he would "climb Mount Everest, then attempt to ski down it." He would then "move to Japan and live out the rest of his life in a bonsai tree garden, making sure to visit plenty of aquariums," which he enjoys very much due to the "brightness and colorfulness." Brian's worst memory he can remember was playing soccer, when he let in "multiple goals while playing keeper." While he doesn't enjoy soccer, he does enjoy "watching football, hockey, and baseball; and also playing baseball practically year-round." With sports often come injuries, but the only injury Brian has ever had was a "sprained pinky toe." Brian has witnessed a major injury though, while outside a KFC. "I saw a guy get hit by a car head on," exclaimed Brian, "as he was crossing the street, a car just came and hit him. There were ambulances everywhere, I'm not quite sure he lived!" My interview with Brian taught me many things about him and what type of person is.


  1. Climbing Mount Everest and then trying to ski down it sounds really fun.

  2. Very interesting! I'm sad he doesn't like soccer though :(

  3. I also enjoy looking at aquariums because of the brightness and color

  4. I liked the way you wrote this. Well done

  5. I really liked your interview and I have a fear of heights too.
